Also anniversaries, births, graduations, or any other special moments in life that merit a gift, are perfect opportunities to give a donation. If you don’t really like receiving presents but prefer that your family and friends contribute to helping and maintaining our primary school in Kibiri, (Kampala) Uganda and our children you can open a special occasions donation list. All those who donate to the list can fulfill the needs of our school by paying into this account:
IBAN: IT23C0306972148100000006459
Banca Intesa San Paolo - Filiale 13855
Corso Umberto - Olbia (Italia)
indicate the reason for the donation as:
Special Occasions Donation List by
At the conclusion of the List, the celebrated will receive a certificate confirming the funds raised in his name and the people who have joined.
To open a Special Occasions Donation List you just need to send us a message on Facebook or by email: espandereorizzonti@gmail.com detailing your name and the event that you’re celebrating. Then share the news with all your family and friends!
Celebrate your special moments by putting a smile on our children’s faces!