Music enhances imaginative and creative abilities, stimulates the process of concentration and increases memory, strengthens the control of one's emotions and self-esteem. It is therefore important for children to listen to music, sing and play because a stimulating and shared musical environment, active listening through the bodily movement of dance, is a great stimulus to learn about themselves and their potential. Singing, mimicking songs through hand and face gestures, dancing and moving to the music create a feeling of well-being and harmony. For these reasons, in addition to the school programs, we organize permanent music lessons and summer workshops with the presence of local and European volunteers and musicians. We have paid particular attention to native instruments such as the Adungu (a kind of harp), the Ensaasi (xylophone), the Kayamba and the M´bira, (idiophones), the Sekitulege, the Enkawanzi (flute) and of course to all the various percussions. There will also be workshops for the design and construction of musical instruments with recycled materials.