Emily Amutuhaire is 25 years old and single. She and she is a self-confident, kind and hardworking woman who loves to work and teach.
She completed her course of study with a Bachelor of Science in Education (Economics and Geography) from Uganda Christian University.
She attended specific training courses on self-awareness, building self-esteem, personal safety, techniques in practical school activities and role-playing, basics on HIV / AIDS, drug and substance abuse, anger management, sexuality and abortion, gender-based sexual violence.
She also completed a political training course sponsored by the Africa Policy Center of Uganda Christian University and was a member of the International Students Association in Science Economic and Commercial (AIESEC).
Her constant commitment has led her to become a class representative in her university and a representative for gender and social affairs.
She was president of the club of female guides, president of the club for justice and peace.
Very active in the sports field, she was the captain of her handball team at Maryhill High School in the district of Mbarara, as well as assistant captain of the basketball team.
During her studies at Maryhille High School she was nominated for six consecutive years as the best sports girl.
She currently teaches Italian and geography at the elementary school “Deborah Ricciu - Espandere Orizzonti”.